Dedicated to the conservation and care of Merced County.

Santa Nella Trailer Park Fire

On Saturday, July 6, 2024, a devastating fire struck the trailer park in Santa Nella on the west side of Merced County. We are partnering with United Way of Merced County to raise funds to support the recovery efforts of residents in that area. Please click the image below to donate now. Every dollar counts.

We are stronger together.

Community support leads to community change.

The Community Foundation of Merced County has leveraged local philanthropy to grant over $3 million to support local solutions and build community strength throughout Merced County.


Donors and philanthropists can invest in the future of Merced County through our Endowment, Donor Advised Funds, Scholarship Fund, or Special Initiatives.


The Foundation offers grants to nonprofits serving Merced County. We also offer scholarships to Merced County students for higher education.

“Hope just means another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed. Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.” / Rebecca Solnit

Take our survey!

CFMC needs your help! Completing this brief survey will provide critical data for grant writing, scholarships and technical assistance that will directly help nonprofits, small businesses, and faith-based organizations in Merced County. This survey can be completed by anyone in your agency who is familiar with details regarding staffing, finances, volunteers, and programmatic activities.

15 questions asking for basic information about your organization.

25 questions that will help CFMC identify specific issues impacting our county, so that we better understand where to provide resources.

Help us build a better Merced County!